Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Waiting... waiting.....  waiting.........

My latest order of gemstones still has not arrived!!!

I have a specific commission that I am working on that needs a garnet to set into the centre.  It has to be made for tomorrow and the rest of the pendant is complete.  I am really pleased with how it looks so far.  However I cannot finish it until the stone arrives so I can make sure the setting I am making is the right size.  So much for paying extra for courier delivery - I won't be doing that again...  good old Royal Mail gets it here much more efficiently! 

And the rain is on!!!  The plants are all gasping for it right enough - living in Scotland I do forget that plants need watering from time to time!  And with the rain on it makes me feel far less guilty about the fact that I am not out weeding the garden...  however with a distinct lack of stones to make into pendants for customers I am stuck for a little while!!!

I dare say there is something that I could get on with making while I am waiting and plenty I should do to update my website too http://www.designedbySam.co.uk so perhaps I will distract myself for a little while and work on that.  Take some more photos to post up on here.....   There is never nothing to do!