Well here I am again... back after a break. School holidays finished just in time to coincide with me having a bout of pneumonia! It floored me completely. However I was back into the workshop this morning and I have finished off a pendant and a couple of rings - I need to start photographing pieces and send applications to galleries. I quite fancy going out in a bit for a bit too. The paintbrush I use for flux has had it! It has not had any hairs in it for the last - oooh - 5 or 6 years... I have grabbed one of the kids paintbrushes but it is useless and i really do need to head down to my local hobby craft type place and get a new one. It really won't break the bank these days - perhaps once upon a time but mercifully not no more!!! These places are dangerous for me though, they suck me in and spit me out 3 hours later. So if i go now I might be at the school in time for me to pick up my kids. I was at a fabric shop yesterday and got distracted by all the beautiful fabrics and chatting to the owner, I was 5 to 10 mins late!!! Enough time that a friend who I'd phoned in a panic happily agreed to take them back to his till I got there. The kids were however distraught when I arrived before they even got to his house. Oh please can't we play they said. Well I really should stop delaying tactics... my coffee is made and probably cool enough to drink straight down. Can I resist the urge to head to the shops and finish the kilt pin that I have been putting off for the last four years...
Trust me not all my commissions take me that long. Some have... especially those made by my Mum whilst in the deepest part of my depression. Thankfully I seem to be heading out the other side and instead of just forgetting to do stuff and then feeling guilty about not having done stuff and therefore putting off doing it now so that i can delay talking to a disgruntled customer - I am vowing to pull my head out of the sand...
An ostrich with its head in the sand will still be hit by a truck whether it sees it coming or not! However if that same ostrich took its head out of the sand and saw the truck coming - it might have time to dodge out of the way... Philosophical debate at lunchtime on a Tuesday - what next???
Back to work - that's what!!!
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